Hello, phpMyAdmin developers!<br><br>I am Zeeshan Mughal, a student at Stony Brook University studying Computer Engineering. First off, I would like to thank you phpMyAdmin team for accepting my proposal. I hope this summer of code will bring me closer to free software development, and I will become more enthusiastic about it in the coming future.<br>
<br>Basically, my project is not very nifty as other projects. I plan to write a library that will enable users to store their preferences permanently. So, if a user wants to view 100 entries per table each time he/she accesses the system, this script will make it happen.<br>
<br>Well, this would not be the only user preference to be stored permanently. There are of course other preferences that user wants to store permanently. I would appreciate if you can share with me your ideas about what other settings may be suited to be stored permanently.<br>
<br>Please check out my newly-created Joomla! powered web log at: <a href="http://www.zeeshan.zixan.net">http://www.zeeshan.zixan.net</a><br><br>Thank you!<br><br clear="all">--------------------------------------------------<br>
Best regards,<br><br>Zeeshan Mughal<br>Telephone: +1 347 284 8987<br>Email: <a href="mailto:zeeshanmughal@ieee.org">zeeshanmughal@ieee.org</a><br>Web: <a href="http://zeeshan.zixan.net">http://zeeshan.zixan.net</a><br>