Hi all,<br><br>During the past few days I was playing around with the code to do a test implementation for GIS data visualization. Now I have pushed it to my repo and I would like to hear you comments about it. You can check it out at [1].<br>
<br>Currently it does the following<br>1. 'Visualize GIS data' link is displayed in 'Query results options' pane ONLY for query results that has atleast one geometric column. <br>2. If there are more than one geometric columns in the results, the user can chose which column to be used for th visualization<br>
3. You chose out of non-geometric columns a label column, which is used for tooltips.<div>4. Also, try zooming and panning.<br><br>I created a database with geometric data (database: opengis), so it would be easy for you to test the above. In case database server has reset by the time you login and you can't find the database, I have also attached the sql file here.<br>
<br>--<br>Thanks and Regards,<div><br>Madhura Jayaratne<br><br>[1] <a href="http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/gsoc-madhura">http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/gsoc-madhura</a></div></div>