Hi,<br><br>I am Tuncay Kılıçoğlu. I study Computer Engineering at Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Turkey. Open source is very popular at our university (4 of my classmates were at GSoC last year :) ) , I have involved with some open source projects with Pardus ( A Turkish Linux distro that had been to GSoC 2 times before). I joined COMAK project which is a project about running Pardus tools with Gnome rather than KDE. I love Gnu/Linux.<br>
<br>Besides that, I have worked at a few commercial companies for a year w,th PHP. I used to use Zend framework for a long time. I'm well adapted to PHP's niceties. I've used Mysql so far and PhpMyadmin is my favoriate database manager interface. I also liked software engineering lessons at school a lot and I use many refactoring techniques consistently.<br>
<br>I need to take some advice before I start reading source code. What kind of refactoring styles are we talking about? What are Table search, db search and multitable query are related to? What's bad with current code? Do we also need to modularize scripts into seperate for better abstraction? or It's about refactoring inner details of functions? or is it about objectifying the code?<br>
<br>Please give me a quick brief about project because I couldn't find any on mailing list. (You may give the link for the thread, too)<br><br>Thanks in advance, Best,<br>-- <br>Tuncay KILIÇOĞLU<br><br><img src="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/252590_10150277081522317_519047316_9342073_8179662_n.jpg" height="96" width="96"><br>
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