Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to implement support for display multiple results which generates from routines.<br>As I found the current problem when running a routine with multiple queries, return result as false. This is due to using mysql_query function.<br>
Routine with one query should work properly.<br><br>I only get the message of executed query (not get the expected table) when run a stored procedure with single query. This should due to my changes on previous commit. (I check with little older copy of PMA)<br>
But I cannot find out what is the problem with that.<br><br>I have discovered these things :<br>PMA_DBI_try_query() function calls in PMA_importRunQuery() function in import.lib.php (line 119) file and sql.php file (line 552)<br>
But the results are different when call the same function with the same parameter.<br>PMA_DBI_try_query() returns correct result (mysql_result object) in the first case and returns false in second case.<br><br>Its very helpful if anyone give me some guidance to fix this ?<br>
<br>Regards !<br><br><i style="color:rgb(153,153,153)">Chanaka</i><br>