Hi Michal,<br><br>I'm trying to implement titled feature. [0]<br>In current PMA, mime type transformations sometimes not working properly if the query is selecting only field with transformation.<br>Sometime means, if the row data string is more lengthy, data is not transformed as expected. (data with string length > 1000)<br>
Due to that, where clause for linking a image (as example) is not setting. (comparison data is too heavy)<br>If I use manually where clause, this will display properly.<br><br>So as I think this can fix for only tables with primary key/unique key other than the field with transform.<br>
So that there may be a possibility to create where clause by executing sql (which related to display only field with transformation) with modification for retrieve both primary/unique key field and the relevant field and display only the relevant field with setting where clause properly.<br>
<br>Any thoughts on this ?<br><br>[0] : <a href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3112137&group_id=23067&atid=377411">http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3112137&group_id=23067&atid=377411</a><br>
<br>Regards !<br><br><i style="color:rgb(153,153,153)">Chanaka</i><br>