I have more thinkings on the Phpmyadmin Automatic testing after reading more codes.
========================Code Learning====================
Following is my code learning:
in the index.php page, PMA will display all the links for users. the links can be some types: 
1. for server operation: server_<operation>.php   (ig: server_databases.php)
2. for batabase operation: db_<operation>.php  (ig: db_events.php )
3.  for table operation: tbl_<operation>..php   (ig: tbl_replace.php )
take "server_databases.php" for example. it is for user to create or drop database.
in the server_databases.php, the file will include:
1.  "server_databases.js" in JS folder, it is for Ajax request to backend.
2.  "display_create_database.lib.php "  it is output the page element for create table. including action tag for ajax request.
3.  when user clicks the "create", there will be a ajax request to db_create.php
4.  in db_create.php, the SQL is executed and return the execute result to frontend.
5.  the frontend page use the Ajax request and refresh the page.
that is the simple process for every user operation.
====================my confusion================
back to my project:  Automatic testing .  Following is my confusion:
1.  why the db_create.php and some php page is stored on ROOT folder instead of libary folder? Is it because it for browser access? a link?
2.  From the code coverage report page: http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin%203.5/cloverphp/?
I found that a lot of file is not included. such as the php file on the ROOT folder.
Can someone give me some tips? thanks, I am looking forward to hearing your reply. thanks
But the way, I try to pick up and fix some bugs on: http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/

From: adam
Date: 2013-03-21 00:40
To: Dieter Adriaenssens; phpmyadmin-devel
Subject: about project: Automatic testing
Thanks for your reply, Dieter
I will dig into the information that you gave me deeper. 
I am very familiar with the CI env and PHP code coverage, because I just finished a similiar project when I Intern on Yahoo! last year.
when I intern on Yahoo! last year, I finished a automatic testing job:
1. PHP UNIT code and Functional testing code.
2. Commit to SVN will trigger a CI build.
3. The CI build is done by: slenium + Firefox+ Xvfb (so that we dont need screen)
4. output the code coverage report.

From: Dieter Adriaenssens
Date: 2013-03-19 17:49
To: adamgsoc2013; phpmyadmin-devel
Subject: Re: [Phpmyadmin-devel] new here for GSOC
2013/3/19 adam <adamgsoc2013@gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> I am new here for GSOC.
> After reading the idea listed on link:
> https://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2013_Ideas_List#Automated_testing
> I am quite interested on the topic: Automatic testing.  I have some
> developing experience on selenium and PHP Code Coverage.
> I am very glad to join phpmyadmin. I will dig my selves into here, thanks
> ________________________________
> adam
If you are interested in applying for a GSoC project, you can take
a look at our applicant guide [0], it will tell you what we expect
from applicants.
In case of the automated testing idea : A good way to start is to have
a look at the current tests [1] and code coverage [2]. We expect you
to provide a patch as part of your project proposal, so you can add a
few tests to show us that you understand the code.
[0] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2013_Applicant_Guide
[1] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Unit_Testing
[2] http://ci.phpmyadmin.net/job/phpMyAdmin/cloverphp
Kind regards,
Dieter Adriaenssens