On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:15 AM, Dieter Adriaenssens <dieter.adriaenssens@gmail.com> wrote:
2013/4/1 Kasun Chathuranga <chathuranga.jayaneththi@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently looking into the bug #3800
> (http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/3800/). The bug is reported to be
> in 3.5.6 version and while going through the wiki page on GIT
> (http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Git#Working_with_branches)  I noticed that
> the fix should go into some QA branch. However seeing that version 4.0 is in
> beta, I'd like to know whether the fix should still go to the QA branch.
> Will there be any more releases on 3.5 branch?

Hi Kasun,

There will probably be another 3.5.* release in the future, so please
fix the bug. It is also present in current master, so it is certainly
useful to fix it.

Because it is a bug in the 3.5.* series, you should work on branch QA_3_5 :

1. clone phpMyAdmin on Github
2. checkout branch QA_3_5 of your cloned repo
3. branch from the QA_3_5 branch for fixing this bug (fe. name it bug_3800)
4. create your patch and commit it to this branch (bug_3800)
5. push this branch (bug_3800) to your cloned repo
6. create a pull request from your branch (bug_3800) to phpmyadmin/QA_3_5

If your patch applies to current master as well, it will be merged by
the person reviewing your commit, or you will be asked to create a
seperate patch for master in case the patch cannot easily be applied
to master.

I hope this helps you.

Hi Dieter,

It certainly helps, thanks! I'll submit the pull request soon.

Kasun Chathuranga