On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2011-09-14 22:06, Madhura Jayaratne a écrit :
> Hi all,
> In PMA 3.5, $cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = true has been applied to 'Query
> results options' section and even to the fieldset legend of 'Bookmark this
> SQL query' section (Pls see the attached screenshots). Should
> $cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = true be applied globally? Or should it only be
> applied to "db and table properties links (like 'Browse', 'Select',
> 'Insert', ...)." as per documentation.

first, please clarify something. As the default value of
$cfg['PropertiesIconic'] is 'both', are you really asking whether
$cfg['PropertiesIconic'] should be applied in these situations?

Marc Delisle

Hi Marc,

My concern was about the behavior when $cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = true.
As the screenshots show, 'Query results operations' in 3.5, go 'icon only' when $cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = true, which was not the case in 3.4. 
1) I was wondering whether this change was intentional
2) And more importantly, any guideline on which should go 'icon only' with $cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = true and which should not

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne