On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Bimal Yashodha <kb.yashodha@gmail.com> wrote:

My name is Yashodha, from Sri Lanka, and i'm a first year undergraduate student in the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.

I've gone through the idea list and found myself interested in the project idea: 
Refactoring: Designer/schema integration.

after going through, I have some questions to be clarified:

1). The designer tab can be used to model the database structure (can be viewed after some configuration changes and running database scripts). And also under the operations tab, there is  "Edit or export relational schema" facility. So one of the outcomes of this project is to bring these two into one page with direct exporting facilities from the same page?

Indeed. The idea here is to merge the "Designer" and "Schema pages" interfaces. "Edit or export relational schema" is somewhat hidden and it would be better to merge these two to provide with a single interface for handling schemas.

2). To use the designer(GUI), there are several parameters in the "config.inc.php" file to be changed and also some tables need to be created. So is the idea to reduce this setup overhead?

I'm not too sure whether we can completely remove the database tables that saves coordinates for the schema diagrams. However the idea here is to provide with a mechanism for users to still be able to use the Schema page with a facility to temporarily store coordinates.

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne