Le 2014-01-11 11:17, Chanaka Dharmarathna a écrit :
Hi Chanaka,> Hi,
> I'm working on a feature request [0] and most of the things are already
> done. But I'm stucked at one point related to UI rendering.
> In export page, custom export will show several check boxes. I already
> added a new check box under 'Object creation options' and now wanted to
> make the new option checked by default (By default, 'Add |CREATE
> PROCEDURE / FUNCTION / EVENT| statement' is checked, I want to do same
> thing for the new option).
> I couldn't find currently how this is done in the code base. Can anyone
> help me to figure that out please ?
> [0] : http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/1483/
in libraries/config.default.php, the following directive being true by
default, shows this option as checked:
$cfg['Export']['sql_procedure_function'] = true;
Note that it may be overridden in config.inc.php but also in user
preferences (configuration storage).