On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Ammar Yasir a écrit :
> Hi,
>     1. Let's say I choose film_actor, activate actor_id and film_id and
>     enter 1 as the actor id. When I get the results, I no longer see the
>     value I entered in the dialog.
>     But this scenario gives me a notice:
> I fixed this issue. The notice comes if you do not select a label, I
> added a default to it so the notice should not come now.
>     2. What should I enter as data label to have meaningful results? Please
>     give an example.
> Actually, we had to show a label for each data point. So for example in
> 'film' table or 'actor' table 'name' could be a label for points. I
> haven't implemented showing the label yet, the selection just stores the
> label for each point internally. I thought showing the label for now
> (without the zoom feature) would make the plot very difficult to
> understand.
>     3. Did you find a table (in sakila) for which choosing two columns and
>     generating a plot would make me recognize some kind of trend in the
>     data?
>     As an example, on a copy of the film table I did
>      update film_copy set length = length*3 where film_id > 500
>     and I was able to see some trend in the plot.
> I've added plotting string fields too, so some scenarios in sakila
> database you can check:
>     'film_list' or 'nicer_but_slower_film_list' tables, plot fid vs category
>     'sales_by_film_category'  table, plot total_sales vs category
>     'payment' table, plot customer_id vs amount

OK, these scenarios work fine.

Any opinion on Tyron's suggestion about using Highcharts? Otherwise, how
do you plan to implement zooming, panning and clickable points?

If Highcharts works well, it would be easier for us to handle just one
library for charts.

I would probably have used jquery plugins or write my own code for it. SVG has <a> and events also so clickable points can be implemented that way.
But i'll try highcharts now as tyron suggested.
Marc Delisle

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