On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Supun Nakandala <supun.nakandala@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to know is there a way to see the results of the last query that returned at least a row using phpMyAdmin. In import.php line 605 there is condition to check for this situation but I can't find the way to generate this situation to check it.


Looking at the relevant code, the feature looks unimportant to me. I couldn't figure out how to reproduce it in normal working scenario. But, if you just need to see the relevant code working, put the following at line 93 in 'import.lib.php'

$import_run_buffer = array('sql' => "SELECT * FROM city", 'full' => "SELECT * FROM city");

go to 'sql' tab and run any query, but you will see the full result of "SELECT * FROM city", which ought to be the last query with results as you have put it manually.

Atul Pratap Singh