On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Madhura Jayaratne <madhura.cj@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 4:27 PM, Tyron Madlener <tyronx@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Madhura Jayaratne
<madhura.cj@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Michal Čihař <michal@cihar.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Dne Wed, 18 May 2011 18:01:15 +0530
>> Madhura Jayaratne <madhura.cj@gmail.com> napsal(a):
>> > I did it as a test run and it is not finalized. Unfortunately I can't
>> > get
>> > flot to draw polygons with inner rings and that was a dead end for me.
>> > So
>> > right now I'm looking into generating all the GIS visualizations with
>> > SVG.
>> > In particular I am trying to generate them with jQuery-SVG.
>> >
>> > Well, I agree that flot makes the life very easy for developers and the
>> > graphs are rich in quality. However you get less control over the plot.
>> > For
>> > example with SVG, I can manipulate each elements in the plot, but in
>> > flot
>> > that ability is limited to few events they have exposed. I'm not sure
>> > how
>> > this applies in your case, you might not want to manipulate it at all.
>> Okay, I think we should use as few graphing libraries as possible,
>> ideally only one, but I'm not sure if it is possible. So let's summarize
>> what every project needs and try to find viable solution.
> What it needs to visualize GIS data is a library that lets you draw freely.
> On the other hand a charting library would let you enter data for a set of
> series and would draw various types of charts accordingly. When trying to
> use a charting library to visualize GIS data (for the rich functionality
> they offer), most of the time we would have to hack the library.
> For example POINT, MULTIPOINT and LINESTRING can be drawn with scatter
> charts and line charts. However to draw a MULTILINESTRING with two
> LINESTRINGs you'll have to draw 2 series giving them the same series name
> and same color, effectively hacking the library. The problem is with
> legends, legend would show two entries. The case gets worse when it comes to
> POLYGONS and MULTIPOLYGONS, worst when these have inner rings :(
> Thats why I had to give up flot and settle for SVG, in particular jQuery
> SVG, which gives control over what is being drawn. However now I have to
> manage a number of features such as zooming, panning, tooltips with my own
> code.
>> I think for charts, it would be nice to save them, but that does not
>> seem to work with neither flot nor jQuery-SVG.

Wouldn't it be possible to write a sort of flot plugin for your case?
Maybe thats even the easier way, than to program zooming, panning,
tooltips etc. yourself.
Then I could also use flot for my statistics page :D

Nice idea :) 
But that would most probably amount to re-writing flot altogether. The thing is flot is not designed to draw shapes and all. 
IMO handling zooming, panning and tooltips with SVG is far easier than that :)

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne

Hi Tyron,

Btw jQuery-SVG already has an extension for graphing. Pls have a look at the Graphing section of jQuery-SVG[1] and jQuery SVG Graphing Reference section[2] to see whether it suffices for your needs.

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne

[1] http://keith-wood.name/svg.html (See the Graphing section)
[2] http://keith-wood.name/svggraphRef.html