2014-04-16 16:57 GMT+02:00 Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info>:
Hugues Peccatte a écrit :
> 2014-04-16 0:18 GMT+02:00 Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info>:
>> Le 2014-04-15 15:18, Hugues Peccatte a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to talk about this ticket:
>>> https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/4070/
>>> The issue is that when you want to limit the number of items (last
>>> level) by page in navigation tree, you can have an issue with the last
>>> group.
>>> Imagine that you set the config to 25 items, you have a first group of
>>> 20 DB, and another one of 15 DB. Here, the last group will contain only
>>> 5 items and not all the group. But there is no information that there is
>>> other children of this group, so you can believe that you see all the
>>> items of the group.
>>> I think that we better have to filter on the first level, than on the
>>> number of the last level items…
>>> The list of DB could be get by one query:
>>> select s.*
>>> (
>>> select DB_first_level
>>> from (
>>> ) t
>>> ORDER BY DB_first_level ASC
>>> LIMIT 1, 3
>>> ) t2
>>> where 1 = locate(concat(DB_first_level, '_'), concat(s.SCHEMA_NAME, '_'))
>>> order by s.SCHEMA_NAME;
>>> (Here, I assume that the first level separator is "_" and that we want 3
>>> items of first level.)
>>> (If someone has basics of optimisation and have some idea to improve
>>> this query, it could be useful.)
>>> What do you think about removing limit number of last level items and
>>> replace it by a limit of first level items?
>>> Or any idea to fix the issue in another way?
>> Hi Hugues,
>> you talk about a limit at the "last level" but currently, the
>> MaxNavigationItems applies at each level, not just the last one. For
>> example, set it to "2" and you will see two databases per page, two
>> tables, two columns, etc.
>> So if you remove this notion, to limit only at the first level, there
>> might be a display problem when someone has a big number of tables in
>> one database, or a big number of columns in a table.
>> The default limit was set to 250 but I'm not sure that it's a good idea.
>> Seing 250 tables when expanding a database is a lot of tables.
> Ok, I didn't know this.
> So could we imagine to have a new property to manage only the DB items?



I sent a PR for this ticket, see https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/pull/1153
But I've some troubles with sourceforge that I can't reach. Can you?

In this PR, I created a new property.
