Hi All,
I recently involved in fixing bug [0]. While fixing it, I was bit confused that, PMA renders user input as it is while inline editing, without getting real value saved in database. Yes, PMA do this after checking the result of query execution function. But though result is not an error, it doesn't mean that data is saved as it was. Mainly this happens with numeric fields. Just type decimal value for column with integer type and see what happens after refresh. As mentioned bug description, MySQL truncate numeric data (not sure about other data types) without noticing.
Of course checking again the saved value is cost. But it's really odd to see a less precise data, represent the real data. I think it's better to clearly identify the data types, with or without having this behaviour. So that, we can only recheck needed columns.
When introducing inline edit functionality, this may have been discussed. But I think better to discuss again. What do you think ?
[0] : http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3576788&group_id=23067&atid=377408
Regards !
Chanaka Dharmarathna