On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Supun Nakandala a écrit :
> Hi devs,
>  I am refactoring sql.php and I realized in line 389 of file the check for
> a call to a stored procedure is done by using regexp. I would like to know
> is it ok to keep it like that or is there any better approach to handle
> that.
> Regards Supun.

Hi Supun,
the better approach is to move this test to the SQL analyzer, like you
did a few days ago for other cases.

Hi Marc,
I checked PMA_SQP_analyze() method with a test query calling a stored procedure. But it didn't returned any information. Can you guide me how to implement the required behavior in PMA_SQP_analyze() method such that it can identify a call to a stored procedure.
Using preg_match() can lead to mistake (for example, a SQL comment
located in the query and containing the word "call").

Marc Delisle

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Thank you
Supun Nakandala
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa