On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:01 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Ammar Yasir a écrit :
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Ammar Yasir <ammaryasir.88@gmail.com
> <mailto:ammaryasir.88@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info
>     <mailto:marc@infomarc.info>> wrote:
>         Ammar,
>         With Firebug I had a look at the network traffic when I click a data
>         point to edit it: I was surprised to see none.
>         IMO this is not good: it means that all the columns for all rows
>         are in
>         memory, making the browser able to handle far less rows.
>         Is there a reason why you are reading the complete rows to
>         generate the
>         plot? I expected that you would just read the necessary columns,
>         then
>         use AJAX to read a complete row when the user wants to edit it.
>     I'm currently working on the edit feature for strings. I'll work on
>     it after this.
>         --
> Implemented this and pushed to my repo. I only send the xField, yField
> and dataLabel to the user now.

you have reduced the amount of data transferred between the PHP level
and the Javascript level, by sending less data in the querydata div.

Can you also reduce what is transferred between the MySQL server and the
web server, by avoiding to generate "SELECT *" in the query generation
part, instead selecting only the needed columns?

That would have been the ideal case but to generate the unique-condition( function PMA_getUniqueCondition($handle, $fields_cnt, $fields_meta, $row, $force_unique=false) ), I need the complete row. So I cannot do much about the query generation on the server side other than putting a limit on the number of rows retrieved.
Marc Delisle

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