
I'm sorry to post such a basic question, but I hope one of you can help me with something.

I have created a demo database at www.phpmyadmin.net. It has a database > table > records etc and everything looks good on that end. I am running a browser .pl script to read the database, from a different web server/different url.

In my script, I am trying to log into the database to read it, and I keep getting "Unknown MySQL server host" - but to me it looks like it should go through.

The database host is:
my [dollar sign]dbhost = 'http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/trunk/index.php';

The database is:
my [dollar sign]dbname = '[my_database_name]';

The login is:
$dblogin= 'root';

Pass is:
my $dbpass = ''; (i leave this empty)

To me it looks like it should work, but it isn't and I keep getting the error.

Can someone help me figure out what's wrong? If for some reason, the demo site doesn't let me run scripts from an outside server to query a demo db, then is there a place on the demo site where I can run the .pl script against the db?
