I suggest you become more familiar with the code base, either by
studying the links in the interface, or by following the code flow thru
a debugger.
I am using Notepad++ for development, which I believe does not have a plugin for debugging PHP code. I know Eclipse PDT has a debugging tool for PHP, but I am not really fond of using Eclipse. I was wondering if you have any personal recommendations about it that would be awesome.
Here are my notes:
- inputs for all the settings are available on the admin interface, and all the current values (extracted from db) are selected on page load
- things left out to be done in coming days:
- processing form inputs
- handling errors using phpmyadmin default error handler
- updating settings' values in db upon form submission
- changing session values for each setting; this is going to be the major part as I would have to dig into pma code base to get it done
- using PMA_query_as_controluser() for querying database
- when all of the above is done, it would be time to do some JSing to show off my creativity
patch: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2825187&group_id=23067&atid=377410
P.S. I was just wondering what does "lem9" mean?
Best regards,
Zeeshan Mughal
Email: zeeshanmughal@ieee.org
Web: http://www.zixan.info
Zeeshan M. a écrit :
> /When you edit a row in phpMyAdmin and you submit, there is logic that
> checks which column has been changed and updates only what is needed.I suggest you become more familiar with the code base, either by
> /
> Is there any example in pma codebase I can use it for reference?
studying the links in the interface, or by following the code flow thru
a debugger.
> /How many settings do you plan to cover?
> /Have a look at the code base to see which script reads config.default.php.
> I plan the cover all the settings that are currently under
> consideration. As you said, we can include more settings after we have
> a test prototype.
> I was wondering how settings such as PropertiesIconic are applied. I
> was able to change it manually, so is it directly read from config file
> each time?
I don't believe that this decision is important at this early stage of
> Also, I was wondering what are your thoughts above moving the link to
> user prefs interface in navigation.php?
the implementation.
> Thanks!
Marc Delisle
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