> <mailto:
marc@infomarc.info>> wrote:
> Le 2011-07-09 22:59, Ammar Yasir a écrit :
> >
> >
> > I've done a basic version of edit functionality. I added a unique
> > identifier for each row in the query result data by using the
> > PMA_getUniqueCondition() from the common.lib.php file
> (where_clause). I
> > then generate the update query in the edit submit event using
> this where
> > clause and post it to sql.php. The return data is added to the
> > <sqlqueryresult> div to show the query executed and the message. The
> > plot also updates on submit if one of the axes is updated. Is my
> logic
> > is okay?
> > I've pushed my work and you can try scenarios on the film_actor
> table in
> > the sakila database.
> Ammar,
> I tried with the film table, changing the "title" column and got
> this error:
> value is undefined at line 177 in js/tbl_zoom_plot.js.
> Fixed some issues and pushed it to my repo. Had to add checkboxes for
> null condition on fields (in Data point content section).
It works fine now.