On Friday, July 12, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Dieter Adriaenssens wrote:
2013/7/11 Mohamed Ashraf <mohamed.ashraf.213@gmail.com>:
There are three levels of users that I can differentiate between in
the error reporting system
1- A non logged in user
2- logged in user that does not have commit access to the phpmyadmin repo
3- logged in user with commit access to the phpmyadmin repo

The system has a range of actions from viewing of error reports
listing, full error reports to creating tickets on the error reporting
system as well as changing the status of the report.

do you need something to be for some privileged users or do you think
that anyone should be able to do anything. should I require a login at
any point or is there no use

I would say to limit all actions to phpMyAdmin developers that have
commit access to github. 

Other opinions?
It depends on how many developers that actively support phpmyadmin but donot have commit access to the repo.

Since there is probably going to be alot of error reports I would suggest that you get as much help as possible.

Kind regards,

Dieter Adriaenssens

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