2013/7/11 Mohamed Ashraf <mohamed.ashraf.213@gmail.com>:There are three levels of users that I can differentiate between inthe error reporting system1- A non logged in user2- logged in user that does not have commit access to the phpmyadmin repo3- logged in user with commit access to the phpmyadmin repoThe system has a range of actions from viewing of error reportslisting, full error reports to creating tickets on the error reportingsystem as well as changing the status of the report.do you need something to be for some privileged users or do you thinkthat anyone should be able to do anything. should I require a login atany point or is there no useI would say to limit all actions to phpMyAdmin developers that havecommit access to github.
Other opinions?
--Kind regards,Dieter Adriaenssens------------------------------------------------------------------------------See everything from the browser to the database with AppDynamicsGet end-to-end visibility with application monitoring from AppDynamicsIsolate bottlenecks and diagnose root cause in seconds.Start your free trial of AppDynamics Pro today!http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=48808831&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk_______________________________________________Phpmyadmin-devel mailing listPhpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.nethttps://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/phpmyadmin-devel