On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Hi Madhura,
I want to open a ticket about this editor not working in 4.0.5. In
QA_4_0, when clicking on Edit/Insert, the pane opens but the point is
not displayed on the map.

I am testing on Debian 7 with Firefox (Iceweasel) with the "capitals"
table. When trying with 3.5.0 or QA_3_5, it's better (I see the point),

- dragging the point does not change the X/Y coordinates nor the Output area
- ticking Use OpenStreetMaps does not display a map (but the coordinates
change on the right side)

In 3.5.0, should I be expecting the X/Y coordinates (left side) and the
Output area to change?

I also tried Copy; it closes the panel but does not copy the new

Marc Delisle

Hi Marc,

Thanks for the report. I should be able to have a look at these issues during the weekend. 

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne