On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Adnan a écrit :
> hi folks,
> I am in a need of using pslib extension for EPS Schema Export. I got the
> extension from http://pecl.php.net/package/ps
> but I don't know how I will use it in my local wamp ? Also, will that be
> ok to use this lib for EPS Schema Export ? I am asking because Users of
> this EPS Export will need to download/host this extension ..

maybe this can help:

I have already explore this link but I am confused or not understand that there is no DLL for pslib and I have to build it from source ?
For your second question, it's ok to ask users to have this extension to
be able to export in this format; in Documentation.html we are already
stating the requirements for additional components (for example FAQ 2.9
and 6.25 in current master).

ok Great !!
Marc Delisle

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Muhammad Adnan
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