On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2011-03-20 15:22, Ammar Yasir a écrit :
>> Can we conclude that whatever way is used to generate the query, the
>> zoom-search mode could be used when we have a results set containing two
>> columns?
> Yes, I agree with this. So for the visualization part, there is one point
> mentioned that when we zoom in for example in the movies database case we
> see the movie's title. How is that to be decided that what label to show for
> a point? Should the user input this or does the system comes up with a
> label(like a key for each point)?

I don't see how phpMyAdmin could decide which column to choose as a
label, so it will have to be input by the user. But it could be saved in
the phpMyAdmin configuration storage for reuse, like we do in the
pma_table_info with the "display_field" that is used for internal relation.

> Also, I submitted a patch for mass table prefix change. May someone look at
> it and confirm? I had made changes to the original patch but I didn't get
> any comments further.

Yes, one of the team members will look at it when he finds time :)

Thanks, someone did look it up.

May I ask what quality aspect should this system focus on. It should be correct, but what about trade off between system response time and functionality. Like for example, Zooming feature. Should it be like from 1X->2X or should the image magnify gradually. Since pchart will produce static images, some of these issues will be faced while designing.
Marc Delisle

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