Okay ...

... if I should use a PHP-Framework, I'm thinking we should use the newest
Symfony and if released I would prefer use Symfony Reloaded 2.0
(http://symfony-reloaded.org/). The final release of Reloaded 2.0 is planned for
late 2010 and will only support PHP 5.3.2. This mean I (and others to) would
have more time for integrate Symfony in PMA.

Should we open a separated development folder for this project?

Symfony has a full support for jQuery, so I think, it would be a good solution, to
use it as our new JS-Framework?

Is it possible to make discussion about comments for html-output? It would be
helpfull for me, to search in whole PMA-Scripts for it, and then sperate PHP from
HTML. Many Thanks ;)


Am 08.03.2010 17:14, schrieb Michal Čihař:

Dne Mon, 08 Mar 2010 09:07:27 +0100
Michael Keck <sfnet@michaelkeck.de> napsal(a):

Yes, why not?
But it would really help me, if developers leave comments, what is for
My goal is to seperate PMA-function from html (-output). This will
support more
flexibility for layout and theming and perhabs to invide developers to make
only php code and others the html-output.
This is definitely needed for long time, thanks for volunteering!

But which should I use?

I've found follow template engines, and I want to get little feeadback
which would be right and good for us:

    * TWIG
      Link: http://www.twig-project.org/)
      Info: it's made from the same peoples wich made Symfony.
      What I say: It's really fast (see
I don't know anything about most of them, but the syntax of Twig looks
same as Django uses and I use Django quite a lot these days (I
understand this is really not a big argument for a project written in
PHP :-))).

    * Smarty
      Link: http://www.smarty.net/
      Info: The most known.
      What I say: May be not a good choice. Marc gives me the link

At my own, I think Symfony or Zend-Framework would be little overkill.
Well this website rather looks like it is against using separate
template system and prefers using full featured frameworks. It might be
not a bad idea, however it is much more work for us and because of this
I'd stay with separate template system, but possibly with some where
upgrade path to some framework would not be that hard.