Hello, phpMyAdmin developers!
I am Zeeshan Mughal, a student at Stony Brook University studying Computer Engineering. First off, I would like to thank you phpMyAdmin team for accepting my proposal. I hope this summer of code will bring me closer to free software development, and I will become more enthusiastic about it in the coming future.
Basically, my project is not very nifty as other projects. I plan to write a library that will enable users to store their preferences permanently. So, if a user wants to view 100 entries per table each time he/she accesses the system, this script will make it happen.
Well, this would not be the only user preference to be stored permanently. There are of course other preferences that user wants to store permanently. I would appreciate if you can share with me your ideas about what other settings may be suited to be stored permanently.
Please check out my newly-created Joomla! powered web log at: http://www.zeeshan.zixan.net
Thank you!
Best regards,
Zeeshan Mughal
Telephone: +1 347 284 8987
Email: zeeshanmughal@ieee.org
Web: http://zeeshan.zixan.net