I checked the pma__table_uiprefs table. It's true that it stores the latest "sort query". But even though I emptied that table, still records of a particular table remain in the order which was sorted earlier. That means sorting order doesn't get lost. But if I use a new browser window the sorting order get lost. So I think it saves the current table order in 'pma__table_uiprefs' table as well as in the session. But it doesn't use the data saved in the 'pma__table_uiprefs' table to sort the tables. It uses the data saved in the session to sort the tables. Am I making sense to you ?

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 2:28 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Viduranga Wijesooriya a écrit :
> Hi,
>    This regarding https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/4245/ .
> I tried to fix it for hours, but I couldn't figure out some of the things.
> Bug is, phpmyadmin seems to loose the current 'select query' text after
> clicking the browse button or selecting the same table again from the
> navigation panel. But it seems to have stored the current order of the
> table and also the value of "sort by key" select box. So I need to find out
> how they are stored. So we can use the same method to store the query also.
> Can please you help ?
> Thank you

look at the phpMyAdmin configuration storage, pma__table_uiprefs. But do
not store the query, just ensure that the displayed query contains the
sorting parts.

Marc Delisle
http://infomarc.info | http://phpmyadmin.net

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Best Regards
Viduranga Wijesooriya