Hi all,

I would like to tell you that am working on this feature request.  This is a huge thing and it requires us to make a lot of decisions, lots of opinions need to be gathered. There are way to many corner cases that a single individual working alone might miss. 

I would like you all to weigh in on what I have done so far, critique it. I am ready to start of from scratch again if required.

I divided the work into three parts.

(1) Generating the URL for multi column selection. 

The existing code to display sql results is solid, I don't want to mess around it and maybe break something. Instead am building on top of it.

The sql.php uses this URL to receive the query. 

sql.php?db=Database_name&table=Table_name&sql_query=SELECT+%2A+FROM+%60Table_name%60%0AORDER+BY+%60Table_name%60.%60Column_name%60  +ASC&session_max_rows=25&token=73e4cec7deb46fc6d7121af740ac0d52"
There are three parts to this the middle part(Bolded part) is where you specify the columns to order by. 

I plan on adding multiple columns to the middle part of the URL to turn it into something like this.

I have implemented this and gave you a pull request for this part1. Please check it.


(2) There are no visual cues when you submit a query with multi column ordering. I made a bug ticket for this. 

(3) Any tests that might need to be generated.

To the senior community members: Like I said earlier this request needs a bit of mentoring. I am a GSOC aspirant and I have been witnessing that you guys have been inundated with pull requests of late by us GSOC aspirants. I know you guys are really very badly pressed for time. But I humbly request you to please spend some time on this, I am am more than happy to put in any extra effort. Also I feel that, this is a very basic, must have feature and it would greatly add to the value of PMA.

Also if you do find time please review my one-line patch request 
