Hi everyone,

I'm working on 'Linking Error Reports with existing Bug Tickets on Sourceforge' feature of error-reporting-server. See Issue#26 [0] for more details.
Before starting the coding, I want community's opinion on some matters.

What information should be put as a comment on bug ticket??!! There'll definitely be a link to error report. But what else in addition to it?

Following are all the available details.
  1. Error Type (Notice, ReferenceError, etc..)
  2. Error Message
  3. PMA version
  4. PHP version
  5. Browser
  6. User OS
  7. Server Software
  8. Script Name
  9. Line Number
  10. Stack Trace
  11. Description (User defined steps to reproduce the error)
  12. Exception type (php or js)
  13. Configuration Storage (disabled or enabled)
Please suggest which ones of above to include while posting a comment on SF bug ticket.

[0]: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/error-reporting-server/issues/26/

Dhananjay Nakrani.