On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2011-04-03 07:43, Ammar Yasir a écrit :

> Yes, probably or like collisions resolution in hashing. I'll think on it
> more.
> I've submitted my proposal, hoping to get some feedback. Is it okay if we
> concentrate more on a stable,usable product than implement many advanced
> functionality? Because here it seems to be the case where we can add a lot
> of statistics into the system.

Choosing what is basic functionality and what is advanced, is open to
interpretation; a usability test with a group can tell you more.

I agree.

Also, in the proposal should we mention exact working of the zooming tool? I'm thinking that the functionality is fairly clear and many of available plugins could well be of use. So we can maybe use those (with modifications to our needs) instead of coding everything from scratch. It will also be good if the zooming tool is something like they have used earlier e.g. like google maps zooming. User might find such system more friendly.
Marc Delisle

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