On 3/19/14 2:09 PM, Michal Čihař wrote:
> Hi
> Dne Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:54:25 +0100
> Michal Čihař <michal@...> napsal(a):
>> Source code for the hook is in our scripts repo:
>> https://github.com/phpmyadmin/scripts/tree/master/hooks
>> This has advantage that authors get direct feedback mentioning what is
>> wrong and also these comments are directly visibly in pull request.
> I've just added check for tab characters in the code to the same hook,
> the sample message it has fired can be seen here:
> https://github.com/ganeshaditya1/phpmyadmin/commit/396ac695d439b0ac37f9c7c7e839a8b19ed775b5#commitcomment-5732466

Great work Michal. These improvements are the "little things" that make
development and code checks so much easier over time. It's great to see
these checks improve our tests and coverage.


I am using sublime editor to write my code and after I got that error message I checked to see if I am using tabs for indentation and turns out that I am not using tabs for indentation and also just to be sure I selected all my source code and used this option in sublime that automatically replaces tabs with 4 spaces and re-uploaded the patch.

Could you please check it out once, seems to me that there is some bug in this system at your end.
