On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Madhura Jayaratne a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Today morning I spent some time testing the performance improvements that
> were done for the servers having a large number of databases.
> My setup has about 5000 databases grouped in to database groups of 20
> databases. Navigation items at first level [1] is limited to 50 meaning
> that about 1000 databases are loaded in the initial page of navigation.
> While loading the initial page,
> QA_4_2: 1008 queries executed 1011 times in 1.00407 s
> master: 12 queries executed 17 times in 0.51211s
> Even though master is about 2 times faster in terms of the query execution
> time, the overall time to load the page is dominated by the time taken to
> render 1000 nodes in navigation, which is about 8s for master and 11s for
> QA_4_2.
> However the rendering time can be significantly improved by setting [1] to
> a lower value, which currently defaults to 250. If I remember right, this
> directive was set to a higher value to prevent navigation from having extra
> spaces below [2]. Since this issue is no longer there (now when [1] is set
> to, say 50, 50 databases or database groups are displayed) I suggest to set
> [1] to a lower value.
> [1]
> http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/config.html#cfg_FirstLevelNavigationItems
> [2] https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/mailman/message/30077320/

Hi Madhura,
Good idea.

I've set this to 25, which seemed to fit to the screen without showing scroll bars. 

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne