Hi all,

I've made an integration of TinyMCE since Version 2.9.x month ago.
Here you can see the demo:


--- Original Message ---
Mail from: Marc Delisle
Date: 03.06.2009 15:50
Michal �iha� a écrit :

Dne Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:43:02 -0400
Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> napsal(a):

I think that transformations require the PMADB mechanism? 

so more users would not have access to them by default. 
Yes, but we can hardly do something about it. But we're anyway going to
this direction (per user configuration).

Also, I would not be in favor 
of having more than one such editor integrated.
Do you have other "transformations" in mind for this case? Note that 
currently, with the display options (in browse mode), user has a certain 
  latitude for display.
After quick look into our feature tracker, we could offer at least
following editors:

- input
- textarea
- wysiwig
- textarea with deserialized data [1]
- textarea with hexadecimal data [2]


There would be definitely more options and configuring this per whole
phpMyAdmin installation does not make sense.

But... I don't like the idea of having to configure this for each column 
(unless you have something else in mind). Well in some situations, per 
column could make sense but not generally.

Also, transformations imply some API we have to prepare, with the idea 
of attracting developers; so I wonder if we can have an API generic 
enough in this case. It probably depends on what other transformations 
would be supported.
The API can be based on our current transformations - the function
which will display edit form can get same parameters, the function for
fetching updated data would get current row of form. I definitely miss
something here, but I don't  see why it should be complex.

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