hi everyone,
Well i have made some changes towards implementing the AJAX UI in form of a plug-in with slight change to the native code.

1. Created the folder ajaxUI in the root directory which will house all the files related to the AJAX UI. This folder will be helpful as this will house all the code for the ajax UI.

2. Added 2 new variables in the $cfg array in config.default.php. here is a snippet of the added code

 * Ajax UI config variables
 * Advanced Ajax UI feature can be disable by the Admin
 * @global boolean cfg['advancedAjaxInterface']
$cfg['advancedAjaxInterface']    = TRUE;  

 * Advanced Ajax UI feature can be disable by the Admin
 * @global string cfg['pma_current_UI']
 * @possible values   'advanced' 'standard'
 * @default "standard"

$cfg['pma_current_UI'] = 'standard';

The Administrator can choose to enable or disable the ajax interface  using the config variable and in that case the option (mentioned in the next point) will not be displayed. 

3. Added the user option to select his current interface according to his need. (check the attached image).

4, Modified files like sql.php to get the desired html output suitable for  the Ajax interface if selected by the user (BY checking the value of 
$cfg['pma_current_UI'] ).

but I am struck in the ./libraries/common.inc.php becoz this file converts the all the POST and GET variables in to $_REQUEST variables and loads the $cfg variables into $GLOBALS.

The thing is that I want to modify the value of one of $GLOBALS['cfg']
['pma_current_UI'] variable but could not do that as my $_POST variable is disappearing mysteriously ;)

Any idea where I am going wrong.

Rohit Kalhans
homepage: http://rohit-kalhans.co.cc
BLOG: http://13lackburn.blogspot.com

Rohit Kalhans
homepage: http://rohit-kalhans.co.cc
BLOG: http://13lackburn.blogspot.com