I pushed my work. I just tried to add a sub-tab on the table search page, one for the normal search and the other for zoom search. I just wanted to get back feedback on whether the design will be okay to proceed?
Please don't mind how I have coded for now, just coded very quickly to get a basic design of the interface. I'll code it properly after suggestions.
Since user needs to select only two columns in the zoom search page, instead of listing out all columns I provided two select boxes where user will select the two columns first and I'll display the field type, collation, operator and value based on that later. Also since we don't need to display the results, the options link on that page was removed.
One more thing: For tabs, if I am not providing any link then the mouse cursor changes to X and they appear as disabled. How to change that?
Ammar Yasir
Ammar Yasir a écrit :
You can try this, we'll see how it feels. Ensure to avoid duplicating> <mailto:marc@infomarc.info>> wrote:
> Marc Delisle a écrit :
> > Ammar Yasir a écrit :
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> My first task is to have an interface for input criteria. We
> discussed
> >> earlier to make use of table search page or multi-table query
> generator
> >> for this. I was hoping for some comments regarding this.
> >>
> >> The aim is to let the user select _*exactly two*_ columns(along with
> >> some criteria) from a table. I prefer the table search page, it
> is less
> >> complicated ( simple form, advanced options ). Also we do not
> need to
> >> consider columns from multiple table so table search page will
> be more
> >> focused. But the selection also depends on where all we want to
> put the
> >> option of "Zoom search" in phpMyAdmin. So should this feature be a
> >> separate component or should it be available on table search page/
> >> multi-table query generator (or both) ?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Ammar Yasir
> >> http://ammaryasirr.blogspot.com/
> >
> > Hi Ammar,
> > my answer is based on the assumption that the table Search page
> is more
> > known than the multi-table query generator -- it's been my
> experience so
> > far, anyway.
> >
> > I suggest to add in table Search, Options section a checkbox "Zoom
> > search"; when checked, another section would reveal itself,
> containing
> > particular options for this feature.
> Or the Zoom search checkbox could be always visible, to better
> promote it.
> Maybe we could put two sub tabs on the table_select page. One will allow
> for table search and the other for zoom search.
code, for example in the list of columns in "query by example".
> >
> > Also, when checked, the "Select columns" section could be changed to
> > guide the user into selecting exactly two columns. Not sure if the
> > current "select multiple" control is the best in this case, it's
> up to
> > you to propose something suitable.
> >
> > However I'm not sure how this would integrate with the
> multi-table query
> > generator.
> >
> --
> Marc Delisle
> http://infomarc.info
Marc Delisle
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