Yes,I also think that this would be an unnecessary extra load to PMA.we should leave it.

On 17 February 2015 at 23:23, Marc Delisle <> wrote:
Isaac Bennetch a écrit :
> On 2/17/15 9:09 AM, Rakesh Kumar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is about a feature request
>> <> for
>> choosing database(s) to apply a sql query.I think we should add a
>> drop-down near (aside clear/format buttons) query box for same.
>> But this can be a problem if the user have access to thousand number of
>> databases.
> I'm not really in favor of this, though my opinion is not strong on the
> matter. I think it's adding clutter to the user interface for a feature
> few users will need; besides there are several ways of accomplishing
> basically the same although with perhaps an extra click or two. For
> instance, "Show this query here again" is persistent if changing
> databases; there's also the possibility to bookmark a query or simply
> copy and paste code. While I see how it could be useful to some users
> some of the time, I would vote no.

After reading Isaac's comment, I am joining his side; this is probably
an edge feature and we should reject it.

Marc Delisle (phpMyAdmin)

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Rakesh Kumar-B.Tech CSE ,ISM Dhanbad