On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Ayush Chaudhary <ayushchd@gmail.com> wrote:

I am going to start writing Selenium tests for phpMyAdmin over the next few days. I am putting up this thread to accumulate all the important use cases that should be tested using Selenium. So please add use-case scenarios on this thread that you think are important.

Currently we have tests for:
- Create, drop databases
- Create, remove User
- Login
- Privileges (change password)

Ayush Chaudhary

Hi Ayush,

Since the number of Selenium test cases we have right now is quite limited I see quite a lot of areas to add Selenium test cases. However it's not very easy to identify a limited set of use-cases as being more important than the others. In general commonly used functionalities of server, db and table levels deserve to be tested with Selenium tests. Since Adam is also looking into writing Selenium test cases it's better to communicate here the areas you are working on. 

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne