Robin Johnson wrote:
On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, Marc Delisle wrote:
I suggest a -rc3 on July the 14th,  and 2.3.0 on July the 28th.

IMHO the goal is not to fix all bugs. There are some bugs that would
need major modifications of the code (for example Relation and order
by), and I can live with them in 2.3.0. It's not time for large
modifications of the code.
I think you are wrong there Marc. YMMV but with the the number of people
that want to use the relation code, I think it should be fixed.
IMHO, bug 574852 is not a show-stopper. However if you think your parser is ready to go,
let's put it at work on this bug.

I haven't done any tracing on those two bugs, but could somebody please
tell me if the problem can be solved by my parser being able identify the
correct tables and fields used in the query?
About 574852, in the tracker I said that it is a parsing problem, but would wait after 2.3.0 because
the new parser was not merged.

To which second bug are you referring to?

With my parser at the moment, the actual parser code I would call ready to
go (see about the lone bug at the bottom of the email), but the
pretty-printer/formatter still needs work.