
I'm working on bug ticket http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/3733/
I already replaced all & in PHP files by the separator defined in php.ini.
I also replaced a part of & in JS files (almost all). But I still have an issue… with Jquery method $.get…

This method have many parameters, and one could be a JSON object of URL parameters.
Something like this:
    var params = {
        aPath: $expandElem.find('span.aPath').text(),
        vPath: $expandElem.find('span.vPath').text()
And this:
$.get(url, params, function (data) {

Imagine that you set the arg_separator to "|" in your php.ini, the result will be:
- initial URL: http://myurl.com/mypage.php?p1=v1|p2=V2
- params: var params = {
        p3: "v3",
        p4: "v4"
- generated URL: http://myurl.com/mypage.php?p1=v1|p2=V2&p3=v3|p4=v4

As you can see, there is a & between the initial URL and the added parameters…

Do you know a way to manage the arg_separator used by Jquery please?

Thanks a lot !