On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Chirayu Chiripal <chirayu.chiripal@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Madhura Jayaratne <madhura.cj@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi devs,

As discussed during the last team meeting, I did some profiling to evaluate the performance of 4.4 series against 3.5 series. I used xdebug for profiling and for each of the pages evaluated, I averaged among three reading to overcome any errors.

The values are in milliseconds and contains profiling overhead as well. However, this should not be a problem to compare between two versions.

Page     3.5 branch       4.4 branch              4.4 / 3.5
Table browse 5230.67 24548.67 4.69
Table structure 2974.67 8060.67 2.71
Table SQL 760.33 1770.33 2.33
Table operations 2564.33 7626.33 2.97
Row edit 2012 10980.67 5.46
Row insert 2387.67 11553 4.84
Database structure 6280.33 5076.33 0.81
Database SQL 1511.67 1570 1.04
Database operations 3115.33 2750.67 0.88
Server databases 2108 3068.67 1.46
Navigation refresh 626 4092.33 6.54

While I got mixed results where for certain pages 3.5 was faster and for others 4.4 was faster, for most of the pages 3.5 was much faster.

I am attaching the results in csv format as well as output files from profiling. With KCacheGrind or WinCacheGrind you should be able to further analyze the profiling results.

These are great stats. My concern would be for row edit/insert and table browse as those are most important operations for phpMyAdmin.
Yes, I will go through the profiling details to see which sub routines takes long time for these operations.

Thanks and Regards,

Madhura Jayaratne