On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
Le 2011-01-13 07:48, Michal Čihař a écrit :
> Hi
> Dne Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:43:00 -0500
> Marc Delisle <marc@infomarc.info> napsal(a):
>> Hi,
>> after seeing a feature request to have an option to disable the picker
>> (to work faster), I am wondering if we should not add an icon to trigger
>> the picker, instead of its automatic display when clicking the field.
>> What is more standard these days in terms of UI for date/time entering?
> I have no idea. What should be indeed fixed is that when losing focus
> (eg. clicking outsite the chooser without clicking the Done button),
> the field should not be updated by values from chooser.

According to http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ you should hit Esc to
do that (maybe it's not intuitive enough?) I did not find an option to
modify this behavior.

go here

and if u use this code
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true
then it will triggered when click on image shown next to date field.

P.S. I will try another time picker (another jQuery UI date picker
add-on) because this one has issues with time manual input.
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Marc Delisle

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