
On Thu Feb 12 2015 at 7:10:21 PM Rakesh Kumar <rakeshkumar4294@gmail.com> wrote:
PMA have this problem when importing data from file in table containing primary key.If the data imported contains same value then error is shown for duplicate entry in table.
After considering answer given by Bill Karwin on stackoverflow link .
I suggest to keep a check box for ignoring or replacing the new value which is already there in import file as imposing It permanently can create some mess.

If I understand correctly the old rfe #675, it is more about merging/altering of table structure as per the new table structure perceived from the sql dump, not just update of data rows with duplicate primary key values.
As pointed out by a comment on #675, it is similar to generating an alter table diff (see https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/246/ ), but #675 would require parsing of sql dump as well.

Maybe a new feature request could be opened for ignoring or replacing the new values on finding duplicate primary key.


Atul Pratap SIngh