On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Marc Delisle
<marc@infomarc.info> wrote:
on the positive side, I very much like the new way of editing a data
point in a separate window.
I have a few problems:
- when dragging the bottom-right corner to resize the plot, under
Firefox 5.0 / Vista: uncaught exception.
- when testing under IE 9 / Vista, choosing a column in the criteria
does not show other column's information so I cannot ask for film_id < 100.
Also, I believe that an issue was in discussion: what happens with huge
There is one more issue: If the window opens other dialogues like the timepicker, in some cases the timepicker is not operable. Like the film table in saklila (last_update). The other dialog should always come on top of the previous to make it work properly. I'll look into it.
Marc Delisle
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