
My name is Mohamed Ashraf. I was a GSoC student last year and I worked on the original version of the error reporting server. I would like to apply to be the student doing this idea. I just wanted to ask a few questions. Do you want to submit only fatal errors or any kind of error or warning to be submittable. Also can I see an example of a PHP error you expect might occur that you want the user to be able to submit. Finally how much information do you want the user of phpMyAdmin who submits the PHP error to know. PHP errors may be sensitive and may give extra information to attackers so I do not think that it is wise to give them to the user but that information may help the developers find the problem faster so I think the developers should have access to some potentially sensitive information.

I think it is better to store them server side and have them submitted if the user wishes directly without a preview. And having them private in the error reporting server for only those with commit access to the phpMyAdmin repo. The server already detects if you have commit access since last year but I never knew what to do with the information. They can then mark the errors as public again if nothing sensitive is in the report.

What do you think?

Mohamed Ashraf