On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Isaac Bennetch <bennetch@gmail.com> wrote:

On Feb 14, 2014, at 11:17 PM, Chanaka Dharmarathna <pe.chanaka.ck@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 4:44 AM, Isaac Bennetch <bennetch@gmail.com> wrote:

On 2/14/14 6:36 AM, Chanaka Dharmarathna wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the feature request [0] will be a useful one. As Marc mentioned
> we need the think about saving the space in navigation panel. What about
> use 2 radio buttons to switch between Recent Tables and the Favourite
> Tables with the same drop down as displayed in the image [1]. Using a
> tool tip for radio buttons will help to familiar with this feature.
> To make it more configurable, we can use two global variables for
> enabling this feature and for default radio selection (whether Recent
> Tables by default or Favourite Tables by default). I didn't look into
> the implementations yet. But I think it should be possible.
> Appreciate your thoughts on this.
> [0] : http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/1476/
> [1] : http://i.imgur.com/NGjIvNA.png
> Regards !
> --
> Chanaka Dharmarathna
> *http://chanakaindrajith.blogspot.com/*


This is something I've been hoping we can improve for some time, and I
really took some good inspiration from the new theme and layout recently
proposed by Edward Cheng.

I'm thinking we should have a small series of links to allow users to
click to "All", "Favorite", and "Recent" display. Please see the
attached mockup for an idea of what I have in mind.

Favorites and recents can be stored in PMA Configuration Storage or
local storage as we do with user preferences.

What do you all think of this idea?

Hi Isaac,

It seems really fine for me.
So, click on "All" will show both Recent and Favourite tables, in a categorized drop down. Is it ?

I propose "All" being the current tree view; Recent and Favorite would replace the tree view with a bullet list or similar display with one line per table (or view). I can do a further mockup later. 

Ohhh, I thought the modification only affects to the Recent Tables drop down which we currently have.

So what is the need of current server drop down ? Change the database server ?
Ideally if we provide "All", "Favorite", and "Recent" links, "All" should equal "Favorite" plus "Recent".

I don't think we should modify the current navigation tree. If we do, I think it's too much.
Any thoughts ?

Btw, we only show tables in that drop down right. So do we need at least mention the phrase "table" in tool tip. Do you think it is enough ?

Sorry, I'm not sure which tool tip you're referring in this case. 

Chanaka Dharmarathna