Le 2014-06-05 07:34, Chirayu Chiripal a écrit :
> Hi,Hi Chirayu,
> Please see the line 28 of [0] which is the var_dump of
> PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($create_query)). The 'table_ref' index is
> an empty array.
> I think it should have name of the table to be created or current one is
> correct?
the parser sets 'table_ref' only for SELECT statements.
A bug.
> Because in the result there is no index which mention table name separately.
> Also, at [0]#L34: 'create_table_fields' index should contain only column
> details if I am not wrong. But at [0]#L44, 'latin_general_ci' which is
> actually the collation of the table, is appearing in the middle. Is this
> a desired behaviour or it is a bug?
Marc Delisle | phpMyAdmin
> Note: The query passed is present in 'unsorted_query' index at [0]#L16.
> [0]: http://pastebin.com/YcbuivPB