Please see the line 28 of [0] which is the var_dump of PMA_SQP_analyze(PMA_SQP_parse($create_query)). The 'table_ref' index is an empty array.

I think it should have name of the table to be created or current one is correct?

Because in the result there is no index which mention table name separately.

Also, at [0]#L34: 'create_table_fields' index should contain only column details if I am not wrong. But at [0]#L44, 'latin_general_ci' which is actually the collation of the table, is appearing in the middle. Is this a desired behaviour or it is a bug?

Note: The query passed is present in 'unsorted_query' index at [0]#L16.

[0]: http://pastebin.com/YcbuivPB
Chirayu Chiripal
phpMyAdmin Intern - Google Summer of Code 2014