On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Herman van Rink <rink@initfour.nl> wrote:
On 21-01-11 16:06, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
> Hi Herman,
> Seems tests are going to work again. I installed required packages and
> was able to pass some test cases. Is there a raised issue regarding
> test coverage? I looked into issues and could not find one. If there
> is some thing like I can add a comment and ask something unclear when
> ever I need some help. Could you please create one if there is not
> existing one?

I've just opened
Thanks Herman.

On 24-01-11 12:03, Kasun Lakpriya wrote:
> - Failing Tests
> PmaSeleniumLoginTest.php with this server log http://pastie.org/1492272

It's hard to read from that log what happens. What is you single step
such a test. Can you see valid credentials being input into the login form?
Yes, I can see the 'username' and 'password' for phpMyAdmin is being input to the form as I configured in "config.sample.inc.php" file. 
* Sorry, I did not understand above "What is you single step such a test."

> I googled but could not find a solution.
> And other remaining tests (non-selenium) are also failing saying
> "Undefined variable: _SESSION"
> I am running tests on Ubuntu10.10 and xampp-linux-1.7.3a. I think I am
> missing some thing. Can you help me to get this working?

Are you running tests from the command line or via http?
From command line.

Sorry for the delay.
No problem. I was just wondering why there is no response. :-) 

Met vriendelijke groet / Regards,

Herman van Rink
Initfour websolutions

Thanks and Regards,