> Currently there is no 'LIKE %...%' operator for the numeric fields in table
> search screen. But there are some scenarios we need to search the numeric
> fields (int, date etc) with 'LIKE' operator + wildcard characters (LIKE
> %2012%). So, was there any reason for not using that previously ?
> If we can give the support for this, it hopefully provide a different way
> to bypass the problem in bug [0]. Any thoughts on this ?
> [0] :
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3573456&group_id=23067&atid=377408
> Regards !

Hi Chanaka,
I don't see a reason for not offering this (but take care of not showing
this option by default, as the leading % wildcard bypasses any index.

Hi Marc,

You mean in any case ? No, currently it only included to text operators.
I'll add this operator to numeric fiels.

Regards !
Chanaka Dharmarathna
Virtusa (Pvt) Ltd. | Sri Lanka