2014-03-28 12:48 GMT+01:00 Ashutosh Dhundhara <ashutoshdhundhara@yahoo.com>:
Hello All,

I have a table `vb_test` having one column `id`. I applied two foreign key constraints over `vb_test`.`id` as follows: 
1)  alter table `vb_test`
add constraint fk1 foreign key(id) references parent_one(id);
2)  alter table `vb_test`
add constraint fk2 foreign key(id) references parent_two(id);
Up to this, everything is fine.

Now when I switch to "Visual Builder" in QBE, I see only one line joining `vb_test`.`id` to `parent_one`.`id` in the diagram.
There is no link from `vb_test`.`id` to `parent_two`.`id`.
Is this an intended behavior or a bug ?
Ashutosh Dhundhara


Phpmyadmin-devel mailing list


I think this is linked to this ticket: https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/feature-requests/919/
The problem is bigger than only having 2 FK on the same field, but also to have a FK on multiple fields.

So I'm not sure that you need to create a new ticket.
